
I have a passion for acquiring new skills and keeping up with the latest advancements in technology. Currently, I am most proficient in using the following technical tools and technologies:


Below you will find a selection of my projects, each representing a unique challenge and learning experience. Each project has helped me grow as a developer and allowed me to apply my knowledge in practical scenarios. Please feel free to explore them in more detail here.

Portfolio 1.0

This initial version of my portfolio website was developed using mostly HTML and CSS with vanilla JavaScript sprinkled in for some useful functionality.

Smart Shopping List

A smart shopping list app that allows users to keep track of the items they purchase and learns the purchase frequency of those items. This app is mobile and accessibility (a11y) friendly.

Really Simple CRM

This is a web-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system built using Django. It is designed to help businesses manage their customer contacts.

Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about:

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Anything Else!

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